
The 荣誉项目 at 圣保罗书院 offers enhanced learning opportunities and activities to students who demonstrate academic excellence and a high level of interest and initiative.




ARTS 173002 -绘画1 -荣誉(课程ID: 000027)

This course will focus on techniques and strategies for improving observational drawing abilities. 通过动手绘画练习, students will learn to depict the world around them and the human form with greater accuracy. (MnTC:目标6)3C/1/2/0


ARTS 173002 -绘图1

BIOL 1725 93 – Environmental Science – HONORS (Course ID: 000032)

本课程涵盖基本的科学和生态原理, 包括对地球如何运转的理解, 人类是如何影响地球的, and proposed solutions to many of the environmental problems we face. 具体主题包括:生态学, 人口增长, 生物技术, 污染, 人类对气候的影响, 能源资源, 废物管理. 学生 will be required to take positions on environmental issues and alternative future scenarios. In-class activities will include group discussions and video and the use of internet-based resources. Two hours of lab per week are required and include group experiments, 计算机模拟, 户外实验活动, 实地考察. 传统的和在线的部分是可用的. (Prerequisite(s): READ 0721 or READ 0724 or EAPP 0860 with a grade of “C” or better or appropriate assessment score) (MnTC: Goals 3 & 10) 4C/3/1/0

满足: D2L Brightspace在线


COMM 1720007 -人际沟通 – HONORS (Course ID: 000816)

This course focuses on the practical and theoretical concepts of human communications and the styles used in personal, 社会和职业环境. 学生还将获得批判性思维的技能, 感知, 听, 语言和非语言表达和冲突解决. 学生 will evaluate their individual strengths and weaknesses in depth and develop techniques to improve interpersonal relations. (MnTC:目标1 & 7) 3C/3/0/0

教练Anna Ignatjeva

COMM 1720007 -人际沟通

ECON 173001 -微观经济学-荣誉(课程编号:000291)

Microeconomics is a social science that studies how our society can maximize its economic welfare by the efficient use of resource and product markets. 为了促进这项研究, microeconomics has developed tools such as market models that simplify complex real-world situations. These tools are abstractions of reality from which basic economic principles are derived. These principles act as a guide to individual decisions and for society’s public choices. Fundamental issues covered are supply, demand, elasticity, competitive and non-competitive markets. 国际贸易绝对优势的概念, comparative advantage and restrictive trade policies are also explored. (Prerequisite(s): READ 0721 or READ 0724 or EAPP 0860 with a grade of “C” or better or appropriate assessment score) (MnTC: Goals 5 & 8) 3C/3/0/0


经济学173001 -微观经济学

ENGL 1712 01 -作文2 -荣誉(课程编号:000281)

This course emphasizes critical reading and analytical writing using literature as the basis for composition. The course includes an analysis of primary and/or secondary sources with a focus on academic writing. (Prerequisite(s): Grade of “C” or better in ENGL 1711) (MnTC: Goal 1) 2C/2/0/0


engl171201 -组成2

PHIL 1710 01 -逻辑-荣誉(课程ID: 000598)

An introduction to Spanish based on real-life situations as well as to various aspects of Hispanic societies and cultures. 理解力和逻辑性是对论证的研究. This course uses the tools of symbolic logic to explore logical concepts such as logical truth, 一致性, 等价, 和有效性. 它引入了一种人工的, symbolic language that can be used to test the logical properties of statements and arguments. These analytical skills support work in a range of activities that require clear, 小心, 一步一步的思考. 虽然这个核心属于数学的目标, it may not apply to certain technical programs or meet certain transfer requirements for mathematics. (Prerequisite(s): READ 0722 or READ 0724 or EAPP 0900 with a grade of “C” or better or appropriate assessment score) (MnTC: Goal 4) 3C/3/0/0sic speaking skills are emphasized. 一些阅读和写作是必需的. The overall goal of this course is to provide students with the linguistic foundation necessary to later achieve proficiency in the Spanish language. 以前不需要西班牙语知识. (Prerequisite(s): READ 0721 or READ 0724 or EAPP 0860 with a grade of “C” or better or appropriate assessment score) (MnTC: Goal 6 & 8) 5C/4/1/0

满足:周一 & 星期三上午10时30分至11时55分

PHIL 1710 01 -逻辑


才有资格参加荣誉班, students must show a demonstrated pattern of academic excellence through one of the following:

  • completion of at least 12 college-level credits with a Grade Point Average of 3.5或以上
  • 以平均绩点3进入高中的学生.5或以上

荣誉项目 eligibility is automatically applied once one of the above requirements is met. There is no need to apply to become an active member of the 荣誉项目.


  • 增加智力挑战和成长的机会
  • Opportunity to work with other highly motivated students in small classroom settings (honors sections have smaller class sizes).
  • Designation of “honors” after each honors section on college transcript indicates academic rigor to potential employers, 转移机构, 和/或奖学金委员会


学生 who complete 4 courses or 12 credits of honors coursework over their careers at 圣保罗书院 become Honors Scholars. The “Honors Scholar” designation is then added to the student’s 圣保罗书院 transcript to be noted by potential employers, 转移机构, 和/或奖学金委员会. Honors Scholars also receive well-deserved recognition at our graduation ceremony.

Honors sections are scheduled three semesters in advance to allow students to plan their coursework so they can work toward becoming Honors Scholars as they complete their degree or program requirements. There is no need for honors students to take additional coursework because honors sections fulfill program and degree requirements in the same way traditional sections do.




  • engl1712 -作文2 (MnTC目标范围:1)
  • 历史学家1746 -美国历史自1877年(MnTC目标区域:5) & 7)
  • PHIL 1722 -卫生保健伦理(MnTC目标领域:6 & 9)
  • 数学1740 -统计入门(MnTC目标区域:4)
  • NSCI 1710 -地球科学(MnTC & 10)


  • ARTS 1713 -摄影1 (MnTC目标区域:6)
  • BIOL 1740 -普通生物学1 (MnTC目标领域:3)
  • 经济学1720 -宏观经济学(MnTC目标领域:5 & 8)
  • engl1712 -作文2 (MnTC目标范围:1)
  • PHIL 1710 -逻辑(MnTC目标区域:4)
  • PSYC 1720 -寿命发展(MnTC目标领域5) & 9)